
Will Apple Adopt Windows?

My personal and humble take on this issue is that, as usual and once again, Dvorak didn't think the thing all the way through to the point where a more logical conclusion would be that Apple , eventually in the near future, would try to "eat" (run) Windows Applications seamlessly through an emulation layer like the ones MacOS X already has for legacy apps. Although, as any Windows-user may know, I don't think I would ever mix good Apples with rotten Oranges all in the same basket.

I'm no Mac user, but I can say that MacOS X was (and still is) the main reason I started looking at Apple hardware as something I could eventually buy, some day.

...ah, here's something that caught my eye too :)
«[...] I stopped reading Dvorak years ago, his articles haven’t had any relevance in years, he’s always wrong about Apple and has been perdicting Apple’s demise since the 80s. [...]»

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